Recently asked questions in Kochi mmd and Class 2 Numerical solutions


26 October 2018

9.Onboard Lube oil tests

October 26, 2018 Posted by AK No comments

Testing of Lube oil onboard ship:

Following are the point for which lube oil tests are carried out:
  • To monitor the deterioration of oil with time
  • To  check for contamination with other oil, water and bacterial attack
  • To avoid damage to the lubricating part of the machinery
  • To determine any leak or source of contamination of oil
  • To understand the performance of the supplied lube oil
Time interval between testing of lube oil:

Testing onboard – every month
Sending for shore – every 3 months for spectro analysis

Taking sample:
  • The onboard lube oil tests are carried out by taking samples from the sampling point(Inlet to the engine), which should be located after the system, with the system in running condition. Before taking the sample, oil must be drained so that stagnant oil in the sampling point is removed.
  • The sample must be kept within control room for cooling it down to normal atmospheric temperature. While doing this, the lid on the sample bottle must be half open else vapour condensing during cooling process will get back into the sample.
Different types of lube oil testes onboard:

Water Content test:
5 ml of sample is taken inside digital water content meter mixed with 15 ml of reagent containing paraffin or toluene. Before closing the lid of the digital meter, a sealed sachet containing calcium Hydride is kept and container closed tight. The meter is shaken by hand and the pressure rise due to the chemical reaction in the test container is shown as water percentage in the digital display.

PH Test
It is done by using a pH paper which changes colour once in contact with oil and it is then compared with standard values. This test determines the reserve alkalinity of the oil sample.

Viscosity Test
This test is performed by using a Flow stick in which two paths are provided for flow of oil side by side. In one path fresh oil is filled and in other side path used sample oil is filled. Now the flow stick is tilted allowing oil on both paths flowing in the direction of the tilt due to gravity. A finish point is provided along with reference points along the flow stick and the position of used oil is checked when fresh oil reaches the finish point.
This method shows the contamination of lube oil which may be due to diesel oil, heavy oil or sludge resulting in change in viscosity.

Spot test
In this test a drop of lube oil is put on the blotter paper and it is then dried for few hours. The dry spot is then compared with the standard spot available which determines the insoluble components in lube oil.

Flash point test(this is not carried out onboard)
This is performed by using Pensky Martin closed cup apparatus which determines the temperature at which the vapour will flash up when an external ignitable source is provided. As per the regulation, this apparatus generally carried on passenger ships.

Water Crackle test
It is another method of determining water presence in the lube oil where the oil sample drops are heated in an aluminium container over a flame. If water is present crackling sound will come.


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