Recently asked questions in Kochi mmd and Class 2 Numerical solutions


16 November 2018

85.How to select gravity disc

November 16, 2018 Posted by AK No comments
By using nomogram chart.

The graph shown above is one typical of one found in a purifer instruction book for selecting appropriate gravity disc size. Shown on the diagram is an example of an oil of sg 0.93 at 0'C. The sg at 15'C for use with this graph is found by projecting along a horizontal line to 15'C. This step would be omitted if the sg at 15'C was already known. A line is then drawn parallel to the pre-drawn sloping lines. Where the drawn sloping line cuts the appropriate oil supply temperature isothermal then This becomes the selection point for the disc. This is found simply by ascertaining which size band the point lies in.


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