Recently asked questions in Kochi mmd and Class 2 Numerical solutions


28 February 2019

123.Green passport

February 28, 2019 Posted by AK No comments
- It‟s an unofficial term used during the Basel convention regarding safe recycling of ships
- It‟s a document which is entered with all the hazardous materials carried on-board
- This doc is fully present in the ship from the time the ship‟s commissioned till the time its
- It‟s now called the inventory of Hazardous materials which will come into place with Hong
  Kong convention regarding safe recycling of ships
- Having possessed this doc , the on-board employees and the breaking yard workers would
  be careful about being exposed to work in those areas with asbestos, pcb‟s etc

The idea of a green passport was for all vessels to carry an document listing all the potentially hazardous materials on board a vessel. This document would stay with the ship throughout its lifespan and up until it is decommissioned and sent to the ship breaking yard. This is what is now known as an Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) which will come into place with the Hong Kong Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships.


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