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28 February 2019

125.Sulphur cap

February 28, 2019 Posted by AK No comments
The global 0.50% sulphur cap will enter into force in 2020, and more than 70,000 ships will be affected by the regulation. Stricter limits on sulphur (SOx) emissions are already in place in Emission Control Areas (ECAs) in Europe and the Americas, and new control areas are being established in ports and coastal areas in China. As a result, ship owners are weighing their options to ensure compliance.

For the 2020 deadline, there are in essence four choices available:

  • Switching from high-sulphur fuel oil (HSFO) to marine gas oil (MGO) or distillates
  • Using very-low-sulphur fuel oil or compliant fuel blends (0.50% sulphur)
  • Retrofitting vessels to use alternative fuels such as LNG or other sulphur-free fuels
  • Installing exhaust gas cleaning systems (scrubbers), which allows operation on regular HSFO


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