Recently asked questions in Kochi mmd and Class 2 Numerical solutions


20 March 2019

127.Rudder pressure test

March 20, 2019 Posted by AK No comments
The rudder bottom plug is opened out in dry dock. If accumulated water comes out, it indicates the rudder plating is cracked and hence sea water has found its way into the rudder making it heavy causing the rudder movement sluggish. Hence the location of the damage has to be found out and then suitably repaired. For this the rudder top plug is opened, The bottom plug refitted and rudder filled up with water through top plug. The location of the damage will be found out by water seen leaking out from the hole/crack. 

Suitable repairs can now be carried out and finally an hydrostatic test can be carried out by filling water into the rudder through a flexible rubber tube fitted at the top plug and a funnel at the end of the rubber pipe , with the funnel held at the summer load line level. This test proves the tightness of the repair when the rudder internally is subjected to head of water up to summer load line

Rudder should be hydraulically pressure tested upto 2.45 m of water head for confirming water-tight integrity from the top surface of rudder.


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