Recently asked questions in Kochi mmd and Class 2 Numerical solutions


26 March 2019

37.NA March 2019 Q.6(B)

March 26, 2019 Posted by AK 6 comments
A box shaped vessel, 50 metres long X 10 metres wide, floats in salt water on an even keel at a draft of 4 metres. A centre line longitudinal watertight bulkhead extends from end to end and for the full depth of the vessel. A compartment amidships on the starboard side is 15 metres long and contains cargo with permeability 30%. Calculate the list if this compartment is bilged. KG = 3m



L =  50 m
B = 10 m
d1 = 4 m
l = 15 m
b = 10/2 = 5 m (centre line bulkhead)
μ = 30 %
KG = 3 m

To find

List of compartment if bilged.


If the compartment is bilged, buoyancy is lost and must be replaced by increasing the draught. 

The volume of lost buoyancy = Volume of compartment upto water line.

The volume of compartment = l x B x d1

But permeability is given as 30 %

So Volume lost buoyancy = 0.3 x 15 x 5 x 4
                                         = 90 m3

Now we need to find area of intact water plane = Area where buoyancy is not lost

Area of intact water plane = Total area of ship - Area of compartment bilged 
                                         = (L x B) - ((l x b x μ) 
                                         = (50 x 10) - (15 x 5 x 0.3)
                                         = 477.5 m2

As we know that increase in draught = Vol of lost buoyancy / Area of intact water plane
                                                           = 90 / 477.5
                                                           = 0.19 m

New draught d2 = 4 + 0.19 = 4.19 m

As the draught changes COB also changes.

Shift in COB = (Area of compartment bilged x B/4 ) / Area of intact water plane
                     = (l x b x μ x B/4) / 477.5
                     = (15 x 5 x 0.3 x 10/4 ) / 477.5
            BB1  = 0.12 m


  1. in finding Ioz why the flooded area inertia formula has been taken 1/3 lb3?

    1. Icl of bilged compartment=I na +Ah2

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. in diagram b is mentioned as d1
    pls mention as plan view or top view. it will be helpful.
