Recently asked questions in Kochi mmd and Class 2 Numerical solutions


16 July 2019

47.NA June 2019 Q.6

July 16, 2019 Posted by AK 7 comments
The following data applies to a ship operating on a particular voyage with a propeller of 6m diameter having a pitch ratio of 0.95.
Propeller speed - 1.8 rps
Real slip - 34%
Apparent slip - 7%
Shaft power - 10000 kw
Specific fuel consumption - 0.22 kg/kw hr
Calculate each of the following.
1.Speed of ship in knots
2.The Taylor wake fraction
3.The reduced speed at which the ship should travel in order to halve the voyage consumption
4.The voyage consumption if the voyage takes 3 days longer at a reduced speed.
5.The amount of fuel required for the voyage at reduced speed.


  1. Please Check point no 3. Is it okey ?
    Bcz consumption = cube of V..
    Here it is square....

    1. cons per unit time is proportional to cube of speed
      however voyage consumption varies as square of speed times distance travelled at same speed.

  2. Reduced Speed Vnew is coming 13.109 Knots and accordingly all other values are also changing.....Pls confirm

  3. pls check length of voyage value D??

  4. can you please elaborate finding D steps???
