Recently asked questions in Kochi mmd and Class 2 Numerical solutions


18 July 2019

49.NA June 2019 Q.8

July 18, 2019 Posted by AK 7 comments
A box shaped vessel is 80 m long 12 m wide and float at a draft of 4 m. A full width mid ship compartment 15 m long is bilged and this result in a draft increasing to 4.5 m. Calculate each of the following.
1.Permeability of the compartment
2.Change in meta centric height due to bilging.


L = 80 m
B = 12 m
d1 = 4 m
l = 15 m
d2 = 4.5 m

To find
1.Permiability of compartment
2.The change in metacentric height

As we know that ,
Increase in draft = Volume of lost buoyancy / Area of intact water plane
                           = (µ x l x d1) / (L - µ x l)
                     0.5 = (µ x 15 x 4) / (80 - µ x 15)

1) Permiability µ = 0.592

2) KG is same in both conditions.

     KB1 = d1/2 = 2 m
     KB2 = d2/2 = 2.25 m
     BM1 = I1 / Displacement                          (I – moment of inertia)         
              = (L x B3) / (12 X Displacement)
              = (80 x 123) / (12 x 80 x 12 x 4)
              = 3 m

Inew = I1 – I2
        = [(L x B3) / 12] – [(µ x l x B3) / 12
        =  [(80 x 123) / 12] – [(0.592 x 15 x 123) / 12
        = 10241.3 m4

BM2 = 10241.3 / (80 x 12 x 4)
         = 2.67 m

GM1 = KB1 +BM1 –KG
          = 2 + 3 – KG
          = 5 – KG

GM2 = KB2 + BM2 – KG
          = 2.25 + 2.67 – KG
          = 4.92 – KG

Change in metacentric height = GM1 –GM2
                                                = 5 – KG – 4.92 + KG
                                                = 0.08 m



  1. while calculating value of BM2,why we are not changing the new draught value in volume of displacement calculation

    1. volume of displacement remains the same, consult final topic chapter TRIM OF REEDS naval arch.

  2. While calculating increase in draft,we are calculating the volume of lost buoyancy in metre square and area of intact water plane in metre. Whereas it should be in metre cube and metre square respectively.

    1. Use this
      .5 = (u x l x b x d)/{(L x b)-(u x l x b)

      .5 = 720 u/ 960-180 u
      480 -90 u = 720 u
      480 = 810 u
      u = .592

  3. From my view tat its along transverse axis so inertia may be like BL3.
    If m wrong plz correct.

  4. While calculating BM . We should take 2nd moment about centroid. But here it is ,moment about centerline. Please correct me if I am wrong .

  5. To find displacement need to multiply with s.w density.
