Recently asked questions in Kochi mmd and Class 2 Numerical solutions


01 January 2020

78.NA December 2019 Q.7(b)

January 01, 2020 Posted by AK No comments
A ship of 8000 tonne displacement floats upright in seawater. KG = 7.6m and GM = 0.5m. A tank, KG is 0.6m above the keel and 3.5m from the centreline, contains 100 tonne of water ballast. Neglecting the free surface effect, calculate the angle which the ship will heel, when the ballast water is pumped out.

If you are noticing some error in problems kindly comment below.Thanks


Δ = 8000 t
KG =  7.6m
GM = 0.5m

For tank
KGtank = 0.6m
m = 100 t

To find

Angle of heel


KM = KG + GM 
      = 7.6 + 0.5
      = 8.1 m

New KG = (Δ x KG - m x KGtank) / (Δ - m)
              = ((8000 x 7.6) - (100 x 0.6) / (8000 - 100)
              = 7.688 m

New GM = KM - New KG
               = 8.1 - 7.688
               = 0.412 m

Heeling moment of water = m x distance
                                         = 100 x 3.5
                                         = 350

Heeling moment of ship   = New displacement x New GM
                                         = 7900 x 0.412
                                         = 3254.8

                               tan θ  = Heeling moment of water / Heeling moment of ship
                                         = 350 / 3254.8
                                         = 0.1075

               Angle of heel θ  = 60131


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