Recently asked questions in Kochi mmd and Class 2 Numerical solutions


01 March 2020

91.NA February 2020 Q.10(b)

March 01, 2020 Posted by AK 6 comments
The following information relates to a model propeller of 400 mm pitch.

Rev/min                           400                  450                500                     550                   600
Thrust N                           175                 260                 365                     480                   610
Torque N-m                      16.8                22.4               28.2                    34.3                  40.5

a) Plot curves of thrust and torque against rev / min
b) When the speed of advance of model is 150 m/min and slip 0.20, Calculate the efficiency.

            If you are noticing some error in problems kindly comment below.Thanks


Va = 150 m/min
P = 0.4 m
s = 0.20


a) curves of thrust and torque against rev / min
b) Efficiency



b) We know that Va = 0.8 x Vt (As slip is 20%)
                          150 = 0.8 x Vt
                            Vt = 187.5 m/min

       Vt = P x N
  187.5 = 0.4 x N
        N = 469 rpm

  From the graph for N = 469 rpm corresponding
  Thrust = 298 N ,  Torque = 24.6 N-m

  Thrust power tp = Thrust x Speed of advance
                             = 298 x (150/60)
                             = 745 W

  Delivered power dp = 2 x pi x N x Torque
                                   = 2 x 3.14 x (469/60) x 24.6
                                   = 1208 W

  Propeller efficiency = tp / dp
                                   = 745 / 1208
                                   = 61.67 %   


  1. when Va is in m/min then why Vt is in knots???

  2. How vt unit came as doubt is va y
    Unit is m/min as per our problem.then how vt in knots.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. after interpolating Thrust for 469rpm comes out to be 299.9N
    you have mentioned 298N
    the difference is small but when we multiply with Va(speed of advance), the difference is about 5W. if the Va was high then the diff would have been even more.

    pls correct me if I'm wrong.
