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09 April 2020

158.Docking plan

April 09, 2020 Posted by AK No comments
Dry Dock Plan

A large plan containing an outline of the ship’s bottom hull. Any appendages which extend from the hull area are included within the plan to ensure that damage is not incurred to such fittings as bilge keels or echo sounder positions when taking the blocks.
The main function of the plan is to show the distribution of the blocks and shores which are expected to support the ship once inside the dock. A plug plan for the vessel’s tanking system may sometimes be incorporated within the dry dock plan, but not always. Alternatively the ship would carry a designated ‘plug plan’, highlighting the positions of the tank plugs to allow these to be located and drawn to permit selected tank drainage.

General Arrangement Plan

A large plan which provides the location and description of all the ship’s compartments within an outline of the ship’s profile. It is usually copied by dry dock authorities for distribution to
contractors to ensure work is carried out in the correct location. This is a particularly functional document on large passenger vessels, where exceptionally high numbers of cabins exist over
numerous deck levels.
Other main features of the general arrangement plan highlight the working spaces and storeroom facilities aboard the ship, together with the means of passage to effect location. Machinery,
cargo and crew accommodation are prominent features, together with information on the ship’s general particulars.

Shell Expansion Plan (Lines Plan)

A large plan and probably the one which is most widely employed, especially where a vessel is docking with hull damage. It is usually presented as a two-dimensional diagram and is commonly used to identify individual plate areas. The shell expansion of older tonnage included consecutive frame numbers from aft to forward while the strakes were lettered alphabetically up from and inclusive of the garboard strake.


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