Recently asked questions in Kochi mmd and Class 2 Numerical solutions


11 April 2020

183.Drydock re flooding checks

April 11, 2020 Posted by AK No comments
The chief officer and chief engineer are jointly responsible for checking the underwater hull
openings, prior to the flooding of the dry dock.
This includes:
➢ Sewer storm valves
➢ Tank drain plugs
➢ All sea valves and sea chests

Throughout re-floating, the engineering staff shall be stationed at the engine room to ensure that there
are no leakages. Similarly, the chief officer will ensure the condition of all the deck tanks.
Following are the points to be carefully examined before flooding the dry dock:
➢ All departments in-charge should confirm that the repairs assigned under their departments are completed successfully followed by tests and surveys
➢ Check rudder plug and vent. Also check if the anodes are fitted back on the rudder
➢ Check Impressed Current Cathodic Protection System (ICCP) anodes are fitted in position and the cover is removed
➢ Check anodes are fitted properly on the hull and the cover is removed (If ICCP is not installed)
➢ Check if all sea inlets and sea chest gratings are fitted
➢ Check echo sounder and logs are fitted and their covers removed
➢ Check if all the plugs of double bottom tanks are secured
➢ Check all external connections for shore water supply, sewage disposal pipe etc. are removed
➢ Check if the propeller and rudder are clear from any obstruction
➢ Check inside the ship if all repaired overboard valves are in place
➢ Check the area near stern tube propeller shaft for any kind of leakages
➢ The cables for ICCP anode fixed in the hull are carried into the engine room via water tight ducts. Ensure no water leakage is there and the duct manhole door opening in the engine room is shut
➢ Secure any moving item inside the engine room and deck
➢ Check soundings of all tanks and match them with the value that is obtained prior entering
the dry dock
➢ Ensure emergency generator is in ready condition to start manually
➢ If there is any load shifting that can lead to change in ship's stability, inform about it to the dock master
➢ Go through the checklist again and the satisfactory checklist is to be finally signed by the master
➢ Master must sign the authority for flooding certificate
➢ Once dry dock flooding is in process, a responsible engineer/officer should go to the bow thruster and steering gear room to check the water tightness if any repair is performed on these machinery system
➢ When dock flooding reaches the overboard valve level, stop the process and check the valves and the stern tube for leakages
➢ Shore power cables will be removed once the cooling water is available for suction in the generator system
➢ If required, use emergency generator power before starting the main generator to avoid long black out period
➢ Instructions must be given to all crew members to stay vigilant while undocking. They must continuously keep checking the water tightness of the ship throughout the process
➢ If crew member finds any kind of water leakage, same must be informed immediately to the chief officer or department in-charge as he/she will ask the dock master to stop flooding immediately


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