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16 October 2018

100.Annex 4 Discharge criteria

October 16, 2018 Posted by AK No comments
Vessel/Voyage type/Area
Discharge Conditions
Vessels on international voyages
Comminuted and disinfected sewage using an approved system
  • > 3 nm from nearest land.
Vessels on international voyages
Sewage stored in holding tanks (untreated and treated sewage)
  • > 12 nm from nearest land; and
  • discharged at a moderate rate*; and
  • ship proceeding en route at a speed of at least 4 knots.
* The rate of discharge must be approved by the Administration.
Vessels on international voyages
Treated sewage effluent discharged through an IMO approved sewage treatment plant (STP)
Also integrated system where the STP includes
  • grey water input
  • food processing input.
  • Effluent not to produce visible floating solids nor cause discolouration of the surrounding water.
  • When within port limits, check with port authority as permission may be required
  • All vessels should ensure that the STP is operating at optimum performance when in Australian waters
  • Food or biological waste removed from filtration unit is prohibited from discharge within 12nm from land (Australian Quarantine requirements)
Vessels on domestic voyages (all sizes)

  • Recommended to comply with MARPOL Annex IV
  • Local laws may prohibit discharges in ports
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park
Vessels on International voyages to and continuing in Australian waters
All sewage discharges
  • In accordance with Annex IV requirements and where applicable with any additional restrictions imposed as conditions of a GBRMP permit
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Vessels on domestic voyages
All sewage discharges
  • Recommended to comply with MARPOL Annex IV
  • Or In accordance with requirements of Part 3A of the GBRMPA Regulations (93A-93G) for both treated and untreated sewage
  • AND, where applicable, in accordance with any additional restrictions imposed as conditions of a GBRMP permit
Queensland State Waters(small vessels/State registered and recreational)
If vessel does not  have a sewage treatment system on board, options include:
  • using onshore toilet facilities whenever possible
  • using a portable toilet to be later emptied to a sewerage/septic system
  • retain sewage in onboard holding tank for pumping out to shore facilities.
  • If a vessel has 16 or more persons on board, no discharge of untreated sewage is permitted anywhere in Queensland waters.
  • If a vessel has 7 to 15 persons on board, no discharge of untreated sewage is permitted within 1 nautical mile (1852 m) of a reef or the mean low water mark of an island or the mainland.


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