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16 October 2018

99.NOx technical file

October 16, 2018 Posted by AK 1 comment
NOx technical file or code

Those diesel engine which are come under an in annes VI installed after 1 july 2000 n having power output more then 130 kw to be tested & issued issued with an Engine International Air Pollution Prevention (EIAPP) certificate and an approved NOx Technical File. The approved Technical File provides details of the allowable engine components settings, operating values and allowable adjustments which ensure the engine will continue to operate within the acceptable NOx emission limits.

This EIAPP certificate and approved Technical File stays with the engine and remains valid for its marine life. Periodic verification surveys are carried out by the classification to confirm the engine continues to operate within the on-board NOx emission limits.
If any adjustment, part replacement and modifications are carried out, which influences NOx emission characteristics should be recorded chronologically in an engine’s record book of engine parameters. ID numbers of all such components used are to be recorded.

The ID numbers are stamped on these parts and please record them before fitting them to the engine

For Eg: the ID number of a cylinder liner usually stamped just above the scavenge ports, on the injection nozzle of a fuel injector valve. The location of ID numbers of these components will be mentioned in the NOx technical code.

When adjusts are made on FQS(Fuel Quality Setting)/ VIT (variable Injection timing) and for operational reasons, the limits mentioned in the Nox Technical file should not be exceeded.

The following are the list of components and settings that influence the NOx Emission:
Fuel injection timing
Fuel injector nozzle
Fuel pump plunger & barrel
Fuel cam
Exhaust cam
Cylinder cover
Piston crown
Cylinder liner
Compressor wheel / turbine rotor
Diffuser / nozzle ring
Aux blower
m) Scavenge air cooler
n ) Governor
o) Shim thickness to change the compression ratio and if shims used on the fuel pump
The above guide lines are applicable for the auxiliary engines also.

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