Recently asked questions in Kochi mmd and Class 2 Numerical solutions


26 October 2018

31.Centrifugal pump checks after overhaul

October 26, 2018 Posted by AK No comments
1. Impeller, pump shaft and internal volute/casing can now be inspected for erosion, pitting and wear.
2. If required rectify pitting or erosion in the impeller and casing with two – part alloy epoxy putty.
3. Check main drive shaft bearings and thrust bearings for wear and replace if required.
4. Check wear ring clearance using feeler gauges; in my day at sea it was general practice is to replace with new rings at major overhaul.
5. Check impeller / shaft key and key ways for damage and undue wear, Unscrew impeller shaft securing nut and check threads are in satisfactory condition; Re-tighten to manufacturers torque settings.
6. Give all parts a good clean removing any dirt/ medium residue before re- assembly using new parts as required.
7. Enter date of overhaul and parts renewed in the pump maintenance record card.


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