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13 October 2018

75.GT & NT/RT

October 13, 2018 Posted by AK No comments
Where Tonnage value is used

To determine port and canal dues.
To determine Safety Equipment.
To measure the size of fleet.

Gross Tonnage: (GT)

» Gross tonnage is the total of the Under deck tonnage & the tonnage of the following spaces:
1. Any Tween deck space , between second and upper deck.
2. Any excess of hatchways over ½ % of vessel’s Gross Tonnage.
3. Any permanently closed-in spaces, on or above the upper deck.
4. Any engine light and air space on or above upper deck, at shipowner's option and with Surveyor's approval.

Certain closed-in spaces, on or above the upper deck are not included in gross tonnage, and these are known as Exempted Spaces.

Exempted spaces:
Dry cargo space.
Space fitted with machinery or condensers.
Wheelhouse, chart room and radio room.
Galley and bakery.
Washing and sanitary spaces in crew accommodation.
Light and air spaces.
Water ballast tanks not appropriated for any other use.

Net or Registered Tonnage: (NT/RT)

It is obtained by making “deductions” from the Gross Tonnage.
Principal “Deducted Space”, which already have been included in Gross Tonnage are:
Master’s and crew accommodation.
Chain lockers and space for working anchor and steering gear.
Propelling Power Allowance.
Ballast tank, capacity ≯ 90%.

Port and Harbor dues are assessed on Net Tonnage.


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