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13 October 2018

76.Loadline marking

October 13, 2018 Posted by AK No comments
Load line marks are located amidships on both side of the ship, showing maximum draught to which the vessel may be loaded in summer and winter and in salt and fresh water.

Storage of cargo, ballast etc. are such as to assure sufficient stability.
To avoid excessive structural stresses.

Note 1: Oil Tanker is well divided into oil-tight compartments. So it is reasonable to allow smaller volume of Reserved Buoyancy and thus smaller minimum freeboard.

Note 2: The grid 540 mm (21 in) aft of the load line mark is used only by Timber Deck Cargo Carriers; it is omitted on General Cargo and Oil Carriers. All lines are 25 mm wide

S, Summer Load Line: Upper edge passes through the centre of the ring and indicated
by letter S. This line marks the maximum draught to which a ship maybe loaded during
recognized summer period for that region, in sea water for voyages.
The freeboard to the centre of the ring, gives the base line from which the other marks
are measured.

W, Winter Load line: Placed below Summer Line at a distance, according to the Rules, equal to 1/48th of Summer Draught of the ship. This line marks the draught to which a ship maybe loaded during recognized winter period for that region, in sea water for voyages.

WNA, Winter North Atlantic Load Line: Marked only on ships 100 metres and above in length, providing additional safety in ships of moderate dimensions. Placed 50 mm below Winter Line.

T, Tropical Load Line: Show maximum draught in sea water for voyages during fine weather season, in certain zones of the tropics. Tropical Load Line allows a deduction of freeboard from summer freeboard and placed at same distance above the centre of the ring, as the Winter Line is below

F, Fresh Water Line: To allow for the rise of ship, when passing from fresh to salt water. Distance above Summer Load Line to Fresh Water Line may be calculated by dividing the displacement (metric tons) in sea water at Summer Load Line, by 4 times the metric tons per centimetre immersion. ( Δ / 4 TPC )

TF, Tropical Fresh Water Line: The Fresh Water Freeboard, placed above Fresh Water Line, at a distance equal to 1/48th of Summer Draught of the ship.

Deck Line:
» A horizontal line marked at amidships on each side of the ship, and its upper edge passes through the point where the continuation outwards of the ship of upper surface of freeboard deck intersects the outer surface of the shell.


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